Friday 22 July 2011

Not a proper blog post...

Hello!  This isn't a proper blog post; hopefully I'll get around to that in the next day or two.  I've got some good ones planned, I think, but have been so busy doing stuff that I haven't sat down and written about it!

I was going to blog a new recipe of my own invention on Wednesday, but in the end I had a lovely text from my Mum, saying the magic words "Orange Wednesday?" and before I knew it, M and I had agreed to accompany my parents to see HP&TDH: pt2 (yes, our second time seeing it, but it is rather good!).  So I ended up cooking for my Mum and Dad and having them in the kitchen proved somewhat of a distraction.  At one point I was chopping onions and M rang to let me know when he'd get back.

A while later...
Mum: "so you've got one of those Star Trek things in the house, then?"
Me, puzzled: "what do you mean, Star Trek thing, Mum?" look at father who also looks puzzled
Mum: "like you have in the car, where you can speak into the air"
Me, twigging: "you mean hands-free?  My phone was just on hands-free"
Mum: "but I could hear M. I think it would be very useful to have that in the kitchen. It is just like in Star Trek."

And do you know what, once I'd stopped chuckling I thought, she's right, it both would be useful and is just like in Star Trek.

It's just the that my Mother is the Queen of the Cryptic Out-of-Context Remark.

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